I spend most days dreaming. It doesn't get much done. The kids skitter around me, occasionally demanding my attention. Someone always needs something. The dog wants out, the cat wants food, Spitfire wants scissors and entirely too much glue, Boy Wonder just wants to be loved. And I do. They're freaking amazing, these other creatures that inhabit my house, my life--but they have to demand my attention, because my frequent dream state takes me, well, wherever it wants to at a given time.
I once claimed that I wanted to "live more in the moment," that overused and underrealized phrase on so many lips these days, and Lovebug told me I do... but it only seems so on the surface, because I'm not a planner and I frequently get lost in whatever I'm thinking and forget to do things. But the truth is that daydreaming and scheming don't equal paying attention to and really experiencing your life. I hope perhaps this blog will inspire me to pay more attention through the documentary process. You never know; it could work.